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Friday, 8 April 2016

Hillary Clinton's response to Bernie Sanders saying she is unqualified to be President.

Okay I thought that was fair and non-confrontational, unlike Sanders' response.

Speaking of Sanders' response this is how he responded to Charlie Rose on this topic yesterday:

Bernie Sanders is refusing to back down from his claim that Hillary Clinton is not "qualified" to be president, though he told CBS host Charlie Rose on Thursday that he only attacked her because she attacked him first. 

“Do you believe Secretary Clinton is unqualified to be president?” Rose asked the Vermont senator on CBS Evening News on Thursday.

“Well, does Secretary Clinton believe that I am unqualified to be president?” Sanders shot back. 

Is anybody else getting a distinct Donald Trump vibe here?

By the end of the interview Sanders had grudgingly acknowledged that Hillary Clinton would be better than any of the choices on the Republican side. 

Here is what Josh Marshall of TPM has to say about all of this:

All candidates, by definition, say that they're more qualified than their opponent. Various things Clinton said can be reasonably interpreted as questioning whether Sanders is up to the job of the presidency. But it is an entirely different matter when an opponent, in his own voice, says flatly his challenger is "unqualified" to serve as President of the country. That's something that cannot be unsaid. If Clinton is the nominee, it will undoubtedly be a staples of GOP stump speeches in the Fall. These are simple realities of political campaigns. Primaries that drag on get intense. Especially in the venomous and kinetic New York media environment. The Clinton operation has plenty of sharp elbows themselves. But it is incumbent on both candidates to fight hard and yet not say things that can't be unsaid - not always as easy thing to manage. Because it matters a lot on various fronts, what the candidate him or herself says, says explicitly. 

Hopefully from this point forward both the Sanders' camp and the Clinton camp will keep in mind that either one of them are far, far, far better than anyone being offered on the GOP side, and stop providing ammunition that will be used against the ultimate Democratic nominee in the general election. 


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