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Wednesday, 1 March 2017

John Oliver mocks the Republican's lack of a plan to replace Obamacare.

Courtesy of Quartz: 

Oliver took aim at the fragments of a plan that Republicans have released, dismissing each suggested fix as covering Americans’ health costs “the way a thong covers your dad’s ass. It doesn’t, and there’s something fundamentally wrong about that.” 

The best sense one can get of what the Republicans will present, as Oliver points out, is from House Speaker Paul Ryan’s vague policy paper (pdf) on repealing Obamacare issued earlier this month. Oliver delved into the four bullet points Ryan offered about the Republican solution: “refundable tax credits,” “high risk pools,” “block grants,” and “health savings accounts.” None of these ideas will actually work, Oliver argues, breaking them down in financial terms—they all share the same “thong problem.” 

Compounding the problem for Republicans, Oliver says, is Trump’s promise that “everybody is going to be covered,” and that he will “take care of everybody… much better than they’re being taken care of now.” 

“Insurance companies are deciding right now whether to even offer Obamacare plans next year,” Oliver notes. So, he tells Republicans, “Tick tock, motherfuckers.”

Once again Oliver, and this team, break down a complicated issue into its basic parts, squeeze out the bullshit, and add enough humor to make it more palatable to television audiences.

Shows like This Week, Full Frontal, the Daily Show, and now The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, do the country a great service by making these issues entertaining and understandable to a population that is now hooked on short sound bites, CGI, and flashy explosions.


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