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Wednesday, 1 March 2017

One of the policies introduced in Trump's SOTU speech last night comes right out of Adolph Hitler's playbook.

Courtesy of Indy 100: 

Donald Trump confirmed in his first State of the Union address that he will publish a regular list of crimes committed by immigrants. 

It was initially announced in an executive order he signed during his first week as President, but during his speech he laid out more details of his plan. 

"I have ordered the Department of Homeland Security to create an office to serve American Victims. 

The office is called VOICE — Victims Of Immigration Crime Engagement. We are providing a voice to those who have been ignored by our media, and silenced by special interests."

Okay that just sounds terrifying and wrong all on its own, I mean why would the crimes committed by non-citizens warrant a different classification than those committed by your typical all American drug dealer, rapist, or murderer?

But it gets even worse when you remember this:

Adolf Hitler also published lists of crimes committed by immigrants. 

An article from a Nazi periodical entitled ‘The Criminal Jew’, featured in the book Hitler’s Ethic: The Nazi Pursuit of Evolutionary Progress by professor Richard Weikart, features photos of Jewish people captioned with the crimes they have committed. 

"In 1943, a Nazi directive to the German press declared, 'Jews are criminal by disposition. The Jews are not a nation like other nations but bearers of hereditary criminality.'"

That's right, Hitler.

This is how you create an underclass that is always viewed with suspicion by supposedly more upstanding citizens.

Soon the so-called REAL citizens will be seeing criminal activity around every corner, and with every sighting of somebody with brown skin, a thick accent, or wearing traditional clothing from someplace NOT in America.

It is only a hop, skip, and a jump from there to labeling restaurants "For Citizens Only," public lynchings, and using fire hoses and police dogs to break up every gathering of non-Caucasians.

I skipped last night's speech because I knew it would be filled with lies and dangerous policy proposals.

Clearly I was correct.

As for the lies reports are that Trump made 61 statements, 51 of which false.

 By the way just to poke the big orange bear, Trump's first SOTU did not get nearly the ratings that Obama's did.

Courtesy of Variety: 

Across nine networks — ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, Univision, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and Fox Business — Trump’s speech drew an average audience of 46.82 million from 9:15 to 10:15 p.m. in Nielsen’s still-not-quite-final numbers. 

President Obama’s first address pulled in an audience of 52.37 million people across the four broadcast networks, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Telemundo, and Univision.

Gee even with over twice as many networks broadcasting the speech, he still could not measure up.

Just a reminder that no matter what he does he will always fall short. 


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