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Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Reportedly the Obamas are getting more than 60 million dollars for a joint book deal. Damn!

Courtesy of TPM:  

An auction for rights to books by Barack and Michelle Obama has set a new record for U.S. presidential memoirs, according to a report by the Financial Times. 

The auction has reached more than $60 million, the Financial Times reported, citing unnamed sources with knowledge of the sales process. The Obamas are writing separate books but selling the global rights jointly.

Apparently Penguin Random House won that auction.

By the way you might remember that Donald Trump accused Obama of having Bill Ayers write "Dreams of my Father" for him.

 While in fact his own ghostwriter made the following claim:

"I put lipstick on a pig"

Somehow I have every confidence that both of these books written by Michelle and Barack will be amazing, and that they will sell like crazy.

In fact I will make sure to reserve my copy early. 


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