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Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Sean Hannity actually has THREE lawyers in common with Donald Trump.

Nothing to see here, nothing! Now stop looking for something!
Courtesy of The Atlantic: 

Sean Hannity has had no shortage of lawyers. In court on Monday, his name was disclosed as the third “mystery client” of Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen. Though Hannity says he was never actually Cohen’s client, he does appear to have used the legal services of other well-connected Trump-world lawyers in a different matter a year ago. 

On May 25, 2017, KFAQ, a radio station based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, received a cease-and-desist letter signed by two lawyers for Hannity: Victoria Toensing and Jay Alan Sekulow. Toensing’s signature sits above her name and that of her husband Joseph E. diGenova, the members of diGenova and Toensing LLP, who are identified as “Counsel for Sean Hannity,” according to a copy of the letter obtained by The Atlantic. 

Sekulow is also identified in the letter page as a “Counsel for Sean Hannity.” Sekulow is now the only known personal attorney for President Trump working full-time on the response to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s inquiry. Sekulow recently announced that diGenova and Toensing had been hired to join him, before reversing course. 

The letter to the radio station was sent before Sekulow joined Trump’s team. The letter was sent in response to accusations against Hannity made by the controversial conservative activist Debbie Schlussel. During an appearance on the Pat Campbell show on KFAQ last April, Schlussel said Hannity had been “creepy” towards her and had invited her to his hotel room.

It should be noted that even though diGenova could not join Trump's team due to "conflicts of interest," reports are that he is still giving Trump legal advice.

Another thing to be noted is that both Sekolow...

...and diGenova have been frequent guests on the Sean Hannity Show.

And yes, the topic has often been the Mueller investigation.

So to be clear Hannity consistently invites his lawyers on TV to defend Donald Trump who is also seeking their legal counsel.

Well it's a good thing there is no conflict of interest here.


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