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Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Nikki Haley is all out of f*cks to give.

Fuck this job.
Courtesy of CNN:

A consensus emerged Tuesday at the White House and Mar-a-Lago about how to clean up the administration's suddenly muddled plans to crack down on Russia: Blame Nikki Haley. 

Several administration officials said the US ambassador to the United Nations got ahead of President Donald Trump's decision-making when she hit the Sunday talk show circuit and said the US would level new sanctions the next day targeting Russian companies that facilitated the Syrian regime's chemical weapons program. The sanctions have yet to come. 

"She got ahead of the curve," National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow told reporters on Tuesday near the President's Florida estate, a day after a report claiming Trump "put the brakes" on plans for new Russia sanctions. "She's done a great job, she's a very effective ambassador. There might have been some momentary confusion about that." 

Haley struck back with a stunning statement later in the day that opened a new rift in the administration and raised questions about the White House's explanation of her comments. 

"With all due respect, I don't get confused," she said in a statement obtained by CNN's Jake Tapper. 

A White House official said Kudlow apologized to Haley for saying that she might have been confused.

Damn! You go girl!

I am not traditionally a Nikki Haley fan, but girlfriend can clap back with he best of them.

Keep in mind that all Nikki Haley was doing was to announce the implementation of the sanctions that were agreed on by the Congress and which Trump signed off on. And the minute she did it Trump pulled the rug right out from under her.

I mean shit, no wonder she's pissed.

Speaking of pissed, apparently Trump is almost constantly irritated at Haley for essentially doing her job.

Courtesy of the New York Times:  

Ms. Haley has been perhaps the most hawkish voice on Russia on a team headed by a president who has emphasized his fervent desire for friendship with President Vladimir V. Putin. 

At times, that serves the president’s interests because she can say what he will not. But at other times, he has grown exasperated by her outspokenness. 

At one point recently, he saw Ms. Haley on television sharply criticizing Russia over its intervention in Ukraine. “Who wrote that for her?” Mr. Trump yelled angrily at the screen, according to people briefed on the moment. “Who wrote that for her?”

Trump has also grown suspicious of Haley's ambition, and thinks she might be angling for his job.

There is also talk that she has a secret liaison with Mike Pence, which is certain to feed into Donald Trump's insecurities.

In other words we can probably predict that Nikki Haley will either quit her job as Ambassador to the UN, accompanied by broken furniture and screamed obscenities, or that she is going to be fired in some early morning tweet which will probably occur while she is on a plane flying out to meet with a foreign dignitary.

You know, as usual.


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