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Thursday, 4 February 2016

Federal grand jury indicts Ammon Bundy and nine others involved in Oregon standoff.

Wait, indicted? Who said anything about getting indicted?
Courtesy of KOIN: 

A federal grand jury has indicted the leader of the armed standoff at an Oregon wildlife refuge and his followers. 

Federal prosecutor Geoff Barrow says the indictment involves the 11 people arrested so far “and others,” perhaps a reference to the four holdouts still occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. 

The indictment was sealed Wednesday afternoon, but Barrow says it would be made public within 24 hours.

Here is who has been arrested so far: 

The FBI arrested Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy, Brian Cavalier, Shawna Cox, Ryan Payne, Joseph O’Shaughnessy, Peter Santilli, Duane Ehmer, Jason Patrick and Dylan Anderson on probable cause. Six were arrested during a traffic stop along Hwy 395, others arrested at or near the refuge. 

Arizona resident Jon Ritzheimer was also arrested in connection to the occupation but remains in custody in Arizona.

So I guess now we will see if these yahoos really have the courage of their convictions, or if they simply thought that the federal government was going to be too intimidated by their awesome facial hair and Brokeback Mountain cosplay to actually arrest them.

Personally I think that loudmouth Ritzheimer will be the first to crack the minute he hears the door slam on his prison cell.

Oh yeah, he's going to crack. In fact I bet he's been giving up his pals for over a week now.


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