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Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Sarah Palin unleashes both barrels at Ted Cruz, and his surrogate Rep. Steve King.

From the Facebook page of Donald Trump's trumpeting strumpet:

Dirty Politics: Witnessing Firsthand It's Always Heartbreaking, Never Surprising 

Thank heavens Donald Trump opened so many eyes to the lies, corruption and total lack of accountability that come so naturally to the permanent political class. And Sen. Ted Cruz was spot on when he once noted that "millions of Americans are asking for accountability and truth." Which is why it's so curious - and saddens us - this lack of accountability with the lies of Cruz's own campaign. 

(Oh yeah, I can only imagine how much lying must upset Sarah Palin.)

Cruz's campaign chairman, U.S. Representative Steve King, is lying, and good for Dr. Ben Carson for calling this out. King, who's previously asked for and received my endorsement, time and resources to support his own election, is still lying about my altruistic support of Mr. Trump ("Altruistic" support? Sure, we buy that.), and he's refused to provide any evidence to the contrary. And, this U.S. Congressman actually lied to his own constituents on behalf of Cruz, regarding a good man, Dr. Carson. He told voters Carson was dropping out of the Presidential race immediately before the Iowa caucus, causing a relative uproar inside the process, so the word would spread and he could rack up more votes for his candidate, Cruz. That's a dirty trick. Dr. Carson deserved better. The voters deserved better! 

(See that? That there is grade A word salad folks. The best that Donald Trump's money can buy. I'm sorry I meant have altruistically given to him.)

Where is the accountability for these political actions? Very sad; typical Washington tactics. THIS is why "the status quo has got to go.

Palin then adds a quote from Ben Carson, which I tried to post here but I kept dozing off halfway through it. (One thing you can say about Palin, she might be all kinds of crazy but at least you don't find yourself waking up in a puddle of drool and your face plastered to your keyboard.)

We've had eight years of a reckless President, accountable to no one, pushing this country to the brink. (The brink of success thank you very much.)Why would we ever take a risk repeating that? We are never going to turn this country around if we keep electing "more of the same." (Wait! So Ted Cruz is "more of the same?") Just like conservatives have been preaching in opposition to Obama's political tactics for years: actions speak louder than words. 

The Cruz Campaign's actions to destroy a good man's efforts to serve are no different than Obama's practice of not holding anyone accountable. Typical politics. Typical politicians. 

Damn! Palin cut to the bone with this one.

The idea that Ted Cruz is "more of the same," and comparing him to President Obama is just about the nastiest thing you can say to a Tea Party obstructionist like Ted Cruz. (I have to imagine that Obama is not exactly digging the comparison either.)

Of course this is much like the Twitter rant that Trump went on right below this post, so it would seem to the lay person that this was coordinated.

And the fact that Palin took to her last remaining media outlet to come to Trump's defense, yet again, kind of reinforces the allegations made by Steve King that got her so riled up in the first place.

After all what was it Todd once said?

"What's in it for us?"

One thing that is NOT in it for Palin are more followers, as her current followers are beyond pissed off at her attacks against Cruz. 


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