Courtesy of CBS News:"He said 'You're just a child.' And he said, 'I am the District Attorney of Etowah County. And if you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you," accuser Beverly Young-Nelson says Roy Moore told her after the alleged sexual assault. (via CBS)— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) November 13, 2017
Nelson describes her first encounters when she was 15 years old working as a waitress at a local restaurant after school.
She said Moore, DA of Etowah County, was a regular customer where he would often pull the ends of her hair as she passed by and complimented the young girl's looks.
"I did nothing to encourage this behavior," said Nelson, adding "I did not respond to any of Mr. Moore's flirtatious behavior."
She said that at the time of the encounters she had a boyfriend and was "not intersted in having a dating or sexual relationship with a man twice my age."
Nelson went on, describing another incident in which Moore signed a school yearbook of hers when she was 16.
"He wrote in my yearbook as follows: 'To a sweeter more beautiful girl, I could not say merry christmas, Christmas, 1977, Love Roy Moore, old hickory house. Roy Moore, DA.'"
She said after the incident, Moore had offered to drive Nelson home after work, during which she alleges he forced himself on Nelson and groped her in a locked car.
"I trusted Mr. Moore because he was district attorney, I thought he was doing something nice to offer to drive me home," said Nelson.
She detailed her fighting off Moore in the car as he squeezed her neck, forcing her head onto his crotch.
She said that Moore eventually gave up, and told her, "You're just a child and he said I'm the district attorney if you tell anyone about this no one will ever believe you."
This woman also says that she told others about the assault, though not at the time that it took place, and informed her husband before they got married.
If that can be verified, along with Moore's signature in her yearbook, I think Moore is cooked.
According to her attorney she is also perfectly willing to testify before Congress and the Senate under oath.
The other day a former boyfriend also came forward to affirm that he once dated the former 14 year old girl that Moore molested and that she told him the story back in 2009.
In response Mitch McConnell publicly stated that he believes the women and is calling for Moore to "step aside."Mike Ortiz says he dated Corfman (Roy Moore’s accuser) for 2 years around 2009.— Lauren Walsh (@LaurenWalshTV) November 10, 2017
He says during that time, she told him about a sexual encounter w/ Moore when she was young.
Again: Moore calls these claims “completely false & a desperate political attack.”#ALSen
Senators Orrin Hatch and Susan Collins are also calling for Moore to resign.
On the plus side for the embattled Senate candidate more than 50 Alabama pastors just signed a letter of support for Roy Moore and his campaign.
Moral Majority my ass.