Courtesy of the Daily Beast:Weeds star Elizabeth Perkins holds sign naming actor James Woods as she joins hundreds of women at the #MeToo ...— Hollywood Mine (@Hollywood_Mine) November 13, 2017
Elizabeth Perkins called out the actor James Woods on Sunday, holding a sign bearing the words “James Woods #MeToo” as she joined a Los Angeles march designed to raise awareness of sexual assault and sexual harassment, and to demonstrate solidarity with the victims.
It is not clear if Perkins is accusing Woods of sexual misconduct.
Oh I think it's clear.
James Woods is a well known sexual harasser in Hollywood.
In fact actor Amber Tamblyn came forward just last month to reveal that Woods tried to pick her and a friend up when she was only sixteen years old:
Amber Tamblyn, 34, took to Twitter on September 11 to allege that now-70-year-old actor James Woods had "tried to pick [up]" her and a friend and that he invited her to Las Vegas when she was 16. According to People, Amber's tweets came in response to actor Armie Hammer tweeting to Woods, "Didn't you date a 19 year old when you were 60.......?" following Woods's criticism of Armie's upcoming film, in which he plays a 24-year-old dating a 17-year-old.
"James Woods tried to pick me and my friend up at a restaurant once. He wanted to take us to Vegas. 'I'm 16' I said. 'Even better' he said," Amber tweeted.
Tamblyn went on to write a much longer article about her treatment in Hollywood, and about the perverted James Woods in particular.
Oh, and trust me she is not alone.
Much like Moore the conservatives are going to fight hard to discredit any allegations against James Woods, but seriously can anybody look at this face and NOT think he is a pervert?