This came on last night right after I had finished reading through some rather ignorant comments on my post yesterday about the Senate Intelligence Committee.
So here was Rachel doing her deep dive to explain all of the things we know that are factual about the Russian dossier, and also putting to rest the allegation from Richard Burr that Christopher Steele will not return his phone calls.
If you ever had any doubts about the importance of this dossier I think Rachel does an excellent job of explaining, in detail, what makes it so important, and how hard people are working to damage its credibility or make the dossier itself the scandal.
Now let me take a moment to point out that during the 2016 election IM received an unusual amount of visits from Russia.
This started well before we knew much about the Russian interference and at first I was kind of puzzled.
Typically the most visits come from the US and the second highest number are from Canada, and way back in third place is usually Australia.
But in the spring of 2016 that changed and suddenly the second highest number of visits were coming from Russia, and now I think we all know why that was the case.
Well now that is happening again.
So if you read a comment on IM where somebody is working a little too hard to call into question the validity of the Russian investigations, or poo pooing this dossier, just keep in mind that they may have an agenda.
So here was Rachel doing her deep dive to explain all of the things we know that are factual about the Russian dossier, and also putting to rest the allegation from Richard Burr that Christopher Steele will not return his phone calls.
If you ever had any doubts about the importance of this dossier I think Rachel does an excellent job of explaining, in detail, what makes it so important, and how hard people are working to damage its credibility or make the dossier itself the scandal.
Now let me take a moment to point out that during the 2016 election IM received an unusual amount of visits from Russia.
This started well before we knew much about the Russian interference and at first I was kind of puzzled.
Typically the most visits come from the US and the second highest number are from Canada, and way back in third place is usually Australia.
But in the spring of 2016 that changed and suddenly the second highest number of visits were coming from Russia, and now I think we all know why that was the case.
Well now that is happening again.
So if you read a comment on IM where somebody is working a little too hard to call into question the validity of the Russian investigations, or poo pooing this dossier, just keep in mind that they may have an agenda.