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Tuesday, 2 February 2016

So it appears that Hillary Clinton did indeed win the Iowa caucus. But only by the slimmest margin ever!

Courtesy of the Iowa Democratic Party:

IDP Chair Dr. Andy McGuire released the following statement on tonight’s 2016 Iowa Democratic Precinct Caucuses: 

“Tonight we saw an historically close Iowa Democratic Caucus that featured one of our strongest turnouts ever and passion and energy from Democrats all across our state. 

“After a year where Iowans took the time to see candidates, ask them thoughtful questions, and became volunteers and leaders themselves, tonight 171,109 Iowa Democrats came together with their neighbors to engage in a spirited discussion on the future of our country. We saw passionate, engaged Iowans turn out in all 99 counties, and for the first time ever, the IDP ran both a Tele-Caucus and satellite caucus locations, fulfilling our promise to expand participation and improve on an already incredible process. 

“The results tonight are the closest in Iowa Democratic caucus history. Hillary Clinton has been awarded 699.57 state delegate equivalents, Bernie Sanders has been awarded 695.49 state delegate equivalents, Martin O’Malley has been awarded 7.68 state delegate equivalents and uncommitted has been awarded .46 state delegate equivalents. We still have outstanding results in one precinct (Des Moines—42), which is worth 2.28 state delegate equivalents. We will report that final precinct when we have confirmed those results with the chair.

Okay so essentially, according to the Iowa Democratic party, there are not enough outstanding results to move the needle far enough to give Sanders the victory.

That's good to know because last night I went to bed unsure as to who exactly should be taking a victory lap.

In fact when Hillary gave what was essentially a victory speech, and was a little put off and thought it was arrogant.

However as it turned out she was right, so hat's off to her for having better information than the rest of us.

Of course before she takes any victory laps it must be noted that several of the counties that the Clinton campaign "won" were decided by a coin toss.

Personally I have less confidence that Hills can win in New Hampshire, however if she pulls it off, even with margins as slim as the ones in Iowa, that could start her inevitable surge to the nomination.


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