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Tuesday, 2 February 2016

According to Gawker Ted Cruz's wife is disgusted by Iowans. Wait, SHE'S disgusted?

Courtesy of Gawker:  

“Heidi has repeatedly been complaining about how disgusting the voters and whole scene in Iowa is,” our source told Gawker. “She says everyone smokes cigarettes, eats horribly, and wants to hug and touch her all the time. She said that she has to go back to the hotel and take a shower multiple times a day due to this environment.” 

According to Heidi’s Twitter, meanwhile, meeting all those Iowans has been “so wonderful.”
Oh yeah she REALLY looks like she enjoys meeting these people.

Personally I would think that anybody who allowed Ted Cruz to touch their naughty bits would have a rather high tolerance for disgusting.

Though to be fair Heidi HAS had a long time to become immune to Ted's special brand ofick.

Remember it was only back in 2005 that police found her by the side of the road with her head buried in her hands. 

I guess after eleven years you can learn to tolerate anything.

So just hang in there Iowa, someday Heidi Cruz will be able to handle you without having to fight her gag reflex.

Sadly the same cannot be said for the rest of us when it comes to her husband.


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