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Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Despite being "schlonged" by the Palin curse in Iowa it appears that Donald Trump has not yet learned his lesson.

Courtesy of the Trump Rump Kisser-in-Chief's Facebook page:

Tonight = America wins, the permanent political class does not, and that is good! To restore Constitutional government the status quo has got to go; the Iowa caucus proves many Americans feel the same. The top three candidates, fueled by our independent, grassroots tea party movement, take 70% of the vote in this unique Iowa caucus. Now this healthy, hearty competition moves to NH, SC and beyond. Those of us proud to be on Team Trump thank Iowa supporters and look forward to forging ahead to make America great again with the candidate proving a record of success and strength that is so needed. The tangible Commonsense Conservative solutions requiring a doer, not a talker, will restore American exceptionalism. Onward and upward, America!

Oh so now she is officially on "Team Trump" is she?

Personally I think this is her official job.

As it turned out one Bernie Sanders supporter made an interesting observation about Palin's participation with Team Trump: 

I spotted Trump’s highest-profile surrogate, Sarah Palin, in Terminal A at the Minneapolis airport Sunday, waiting for Flight 3651 to Des Moines, a short flight on a very, very un-Trump-like plane. 

There were no first class seats. Cramped, not much legroom. Only water was served, and the seat belts weren’t coated in gold — more likely germs. Two seats across, maybe 20 rows. Cattle, compared with riding in Trump style.

Wow, seems kind of odd that a member of "Team Trump" has to schlepp herself across the country in a glorified cattle car while the rest of the team flies in style on Trump's private plane.

Don'tcha think?

As for Trump there is increasing evidence that his campaign is nothing more than a long con on the American people.

This courtesy of Salon: 

According to the report, Trump was approached two years ago by GOP operatives who wanted him to run for governor of New York. To their surprise, he declined but added that they would be useful when he ran for president. “I’m going to walk away with it and win outright,” Trump told the group, “I’m going to get in and all the polls are going to go crazy. I’m going to suck all the oxygen out of the room. I know how to work the media in a way that that they will never take the lights off of me.” 

Trump knew all along that his celebrity and media savvy were sufficient to support his campaign. Although they didn’t believe him, Trump told the Republicans in that room in 2013 that he would dominate the race without spending much on paid advertising. From the report: 

“’You can’t run for president on earned media,’ one attendee recalled telling Trump. The billionaire looked up, and paused for a long moment. ‘I think you’re wrong,’ Trump said. ‘Are you going to do all those little events at the Pizza Ranches?” another person asked, referring to the Iowa fast food franchises that are a staple of presidential campaign stops. ‘Maybe a little,’ Trump replied. ‘But it’s really about the power of the mass audience.’” 

Trump was right. The ability to control the narrative, to dominate the coverage, is all it takes. Trump’s amorality coupled with his gift for self-promotion has turned the Republican presidential race on its head. He’s made the race about him, and anytime he isn’t the main story, he lurches back into the headlines with an outrageous comment about women or Muslims or Mexicans or disabled people – anything to win the news cycle.

Well now it all makes sense.

Why wouldn't a phony grifter have the queen of phony grifters around to help him pull a fast one on the media and voters of this country?

Of course the answer to that question is because she is a politically poisonous albatross who destroys everything she touches.

Of course in this case that might not be a bad thing.


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