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Sunday, 29 October 2017

Hillary Clinton commenting on the fact that Fox News seems to think that she is the President.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

The 2016 Democratic presidential nominee spoke at a dinner for the Human Rights Campaign held in Washington, D.C., where she took a few shots at the cable news network that has breathlessly been promoting fake scandals about her all week — while the Trump White House braces for arrests on Monday. 

“It does strike me that in the last few days at least, Fox News seems to think that’s where I live, in the White House,” Clinton told the crowd. “Because they spend a disproportionate amount of their time talking about impeaching me.” 

“So, look, if they want to make a trade, I’d be more than willing,” she quipped. “I would have much preferred to have come to the dinner tonight from a slightly closer residence.” 

Now this idea that Fox News thinks that Hillary is the president, and needs to be impeached, may seem ridiculous, but then there is this.
I'm sorry WHOSE administration?

It is almost like Fox News, and even members of the Trump campaign, actually wanted Hillary to win so they could spend the next four years beating her up.

And even though she didn't win they see no real reason to change their plans.


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