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Thursday, 13 July 2017

Republican Congressman threatens that if this Russian probe continues they may have to reopen investigation in to Hillary's private server. I'm sorry, what?

Courtesy of Think Progress:  

During a CNN interview Wednesday morning, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) issued a threat — if Democrats don’t move on from the enlarging scandal surrounding the Trump campaign’s possible collusion with Russia, Republicans will have no choice but to further investigate the Clintons. 

“If this continues — this immobilization of the presidency over these kind of things — it’s gonna force Congress to do an investigation, a complete and thorough investigation, and that means go back all the way to the 650,000 emails of Anthony Weiner and look at [former FBI Director James] Comey and his activities,” the House Judiciary Committee members said. 

Pushed on the point by CNN’s Alisyn Camerota , King said that Comey and the special counsel investigating Trump are the real colluders. 

“What I’m saying is this, that the Comey investigation — now him picking the special counsel on top of it — on its face, appears to be collusion.”

I am not sure that Steve "calves the size of cantaloupes" King understands what the word "collusion" means.

Boy he really threw all of the hot button talking points out there didn't he?

Anthony Wiener, emails, collusion, James Comey, Hillary Clinton, it's like a list of answers to a wingnut crossword puzzle put together by Alex Jones.

I can only imagine what Hillary's response would be to this threat but I imagine it would go something like this.


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