Courtesy of WaPo:.@JoeNBC announced that he's leaving #GOP to become an Independent. @StephenAtHome's full interview with Joe and @morningmika airs tonight!— The Late Show (@colbertlateshow) July 11, 2017
Joe Scarborough, the conservative co-host of MSNBC’s political commentary show “Morning Joe,” is leaving the Republican Party.
He made the announcement Tuesday night during an appearance on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” alongside his co-host Mika Brzezinski. A two-minute clip of the segment was teased on the program’s Twitter account earlier Tuesday.
Scarborough tore into what he characterized as a complacent Republican Party unwilling to stand up to President Trump.
“You have to ask yourself, what exactly is the Republican Party willing to do?” Scarborough said to Colbert. “How far are they willing to go? How much of this country and our values are they willing to sell out?”
“Aren’t you a Republican?” Colbert asked.
“I am a Republican, but I’m not going to be a Republican anymore,” Scarborough said to loud applause from the audience. “I’ve got to become an independent.”
First off that was a very weak statement for somebody who is supposedly so fed up with his former political party.
Second if he were REALLY fed up he would register as a Democrat, instead of taking the easy way out and calling himself an Independent.
And third it is really too late for this to matter anymore.
From the time that Scarborough started "Morning Joe" in 2007 he has been almost schizophrenic when sharing his political pint of view.
Sometimes he has obviously been carrying water for the GOP, and other times, mostly when it is safe, he has been a vocal critic.
To his credit Scarborough was an early critic of Sarah Palin, and McCain's decision to pluck her from the wilds of Wasilla and deposit her on the national stage, but he was also an early fan of Donald Trump and provided him with a platform from which he later launched his campaign for president.
If Scarborough were really a man of conviction he would have bailed on the GOP after it became clear that his party members covered for Bush's lie that there were WMDs in Iraq.
Once again Scarborough is playing it safe by supposedly leaving the GOP at a time when literally EVERYBODY with any conscience should be leaving the GOP.