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Sunday, 12 June 2016

Elizabeth Warren participates in LGBT parade, and is rewarded with accusations and ugly comments from butt hurt Bernie Bros.

Courtesy of Facebook: 

Happy Boston Pride! I'm so proud to be from Massachusetts, a state that leads the country on equality.

How great is it that we have a future VP who is willing to demonstrate her support for the LGBT community?

Yeah well if you are a Bernie Sanders supporter nothing she does will ever satisfy you again.

Here is just a sampling of the comments for this post on her Facebook page:  

Rocky Paulk You can't even begin to imagine how disappointed I am to find that you were selling out Bernie. 

Brian Allan Thanks for you and Democratic party for breaking election laws and screwing over Bernie 

Juan L. Tejeda She has betrayed the liberals in this country by supporting HRC. SHE knows very well who HRC IS... corrupted. 

Claudia Stauber Too bad she was all talk and no action, her actions speak louder than her words! Traitor! 

Kevan Thompson So disappointed in you. All your passion is just a big act. SELLOUT. #OfThePeople #NotMeUs #StillSanders #ReleaseTheTranscripts #arizonaelectionfraud #DropOutHillary #WheresObama #DonaldDucksDebate #LameStreamMedia #BernieOrBust #SeeYouInPhilly #NeverHillary 

Kerri Long Couldn't resist the sellout, could ya? The money must be insanely worth it. I hope you're resting well at night in your cool home. Remember all the homes foreclosed on that you benefited from? I over looked that about you, I mean no one's perfect. But to endorse Clinton with primaries to go and votes to count, shows you're no different. What a shame. Congrats, YOUR state has equality, why don't we stretch that out to the entire country? Oh that's right, we can't, our entire gov't is ran by the Oligarchy. It's a shame we can't ALL have nice things.

To be fair there are a lot of positive comments as well, but they are almost drowned out by the anger and frustration vomited forth by the Bernie Sanders supporters.

On Reddit there are even plans being made to protest a speaking engagement that Warren has today: 

Elizabeth Warren will be giving an income inequality speech at the WWII club in Northampton, Ma on Sunday. Doors open at 4. Some of us will be meeting at the park by the Academy of Music downtown around 3:00 to go over details. If you would like to meet directly at the club, please arrive no later than 3:30. Times are subject to change as space is limited and the event may fill up. Please wear all black to represent the grief we feel as we mourn the loss of the person we thought she was. This will be a silent visual Demonstration in reaction to her recent endorsment of Hillary Clinton and to let her know how we feel about it. We feel as if she has turned her back on us and has not acted in alignment with her own message. Please bring Bernie signs. We will stand with our backs facing her holding our Bernie signs for her to read. Please no shouting or interruptions. Sometimes silence speaks louder than words and can send a powerful message. Eye candy for ear candy.

Apparently this was originally posted on Bernie Sanders' official site but somebody had the sense to delete it.

Sanders knows he can't officially endorse this kind of thing, just secretly smile in approval that it's happening.

To be clear Elizabeth Warren was the darling of the Bernie Sanders supporters for quite some time.

Then when she failed to endorse him earlier in the primaries the attacks started coming, sporadically at first.

But then she committed the cardinal sin of endorsing Hillary Clinton, and THAT....well that led to all of this.

By the way as it turns out the unrestrained aggression of the Bernie Sanders supporters might have been why they were caught by surprise at the large turnout of Hillary voters in California:
Just because you bully women into staying silent, does not mean they will not make their voices heard in the voting booth.

So the question remains, will these angry, disappointed zealots be able to get their shit together by November and support the Clinton/Warren ticket, or will they take their ball and go home despite the fact that they will be playing right into the hands of Donald Trump?

I guess only time will tell.


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