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Sunday, 12 June 2016

Methinks Bristol Palin got a new ghostwriter. Or is Nancy French currently putting bandages on her knees after crawling back into the Palin's good graces?

Courtesy of Bristol's as yet unnamed ghostwriter's blog: 

In light of the two recent events in Florida, with the shooting at the nightclub and the murder of Christina Grimmie, I feel compelled to share my thoughts on the greater scope of life and how precious it is. With the recent birth of our daughter, and starting a new chapter with Dakota; I am now, more than ever, seeing that each moment in life is a blessing. (Translation: "This was supposed to be MY time! Mine I say! I  finally got married and then these two events totally stole my thunder. Dammit, look at me, look at me, look at me now!")

It was just announced that the shooting at the nightclub was a terrorist attack with now 50 people dead and 53 injured. (Oh thank goodness! That means we can talk about it and start attacking Muslims.)This is the worst mass shooting in our history. My heart and prayers go out to the families of the victims. The man responsible is reported to have ties to radical Muslim organizations and was equip with more than just guns, reported he had a “device” of some kind. One could only assume it was a bomb. If this is not a sign that evil is already at our door I don’t know what is. (The guy who shot and killed Christina Grimmie was a white dude, with no ties to Islamic terrorism. So I assume that means what he did is NOT a sign of evil at our door?)

With the murder of Christina Grimmie, it’s tragic how quickly everything can be taken from you. Here is a girl all of 22 years; who went from just wanting to sharing her gift by posting videos on YouTube, to being a huge sensation on the show “The Voice” and still just at the beginning of what promised to be an amazing career. She was very inspirational to many and spent much time with her fans. She was attacked while signing autographs. Her brother was with her at the time and was able to tackle the shooter who took his own life in the ensuing struggle. One thing about Christina people may not know is her humbleness and her faith. She was quoted as saying “I have God, Jesus Christ, I’m Christian. I try to stay as grounded as I possibly can.” So much ahead of her but she is up in heaven now. (Oh, so she was a Christian. I guess in Bristol's world that makes her life more valuable, and worthy of attention. Certainly more worthy than those fifty heathen gay folks.)

So many of us live our day to day lives like there will always be a tomorrow and the fact is one day your time will end and there will be no more tomorrows for you here. There could possibly be a time when your life may be taken prematurely at the hands of another in a cowardly, selfish, horrible act like recently in Florida. Many people are asking why God lets such bad things happen to people? I can’t venture to guess why He would but I do trust in Him and His plan for me. And to say God allowed for things like this to happen would be a misnomer, He didn’t. In John 10:10 is says, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (Nancy? Is that you?) What can we take from this passage? We are told that the evil may come for us, yes, but not because we are weak but because we are strong. Life happens… 

Never delay until tomorrow what you could do today because you never know when tomorrow won’t be there. Never be the one who said I wish I had more time. 

You mark my words now that Bristol has her man locked up and back in the corral where he belongs we are going to see a whole lot more of this attention seeking behavior. A whole lot more.

When that Nancy French kerfuffle happened, and Bristol was busy weaving that sex love spell over Dakota, her blog went completely dark for over a month.

But clearly everything is back on track again, which means that the Grizzled Mama's plan for Dakota and her little mini me is once again a go.

As for the puppet master, well she is moving back to the main stage as well.

She has her own post on Breitbart today:

Tremendous sorrow is shared with all those affected by the horror witnessed in Florida. May God’s grace envelope victims’ loved ones. From across the nation, our prayers join yours for peace. 

The solution to these Islamic attacks that would hurl us toward transforming into an intensely frightened, cowering nation? No, it is not more “gun control” that further strips us of the responsibility and means to protect the innocent. The solution begins with acknowledging the threat, for it creates a dark and deadly situation for every American when the leader of the free world leaves Islamic terrorism out of our calculations, when they are among us.

First off if anybody thinks that President Obama is leaving any kind of terrorism "out of our calculations" they are so incredibly ignorant that they would have to be....well they would have to be a Palin.

Secondly clearly Palin's main concern is not for the lives that were lost in Florida, but that this latest mass shooting will give gun control advocates more ammunition (Pardon the pun) to use to reinvigorate talk about stricter policies to keep Americans safe.

Which is true, for a change.

Thirdly, well thirdly I think we can all assume that we are going to start hearing from Sarah, Bristol, and of course their pet war hero Dakota Meyer a whole hell of a lot more in the near future.

Count on it.


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