In Congress, July 4, 1776.— NPR (@NPR) July 4, 2017
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,— NPR (@NPR) July 4, 2017
When in the Course of human events,— NPR (@NPR) July 4, 2017
it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another,— NPR (@NPR) July 4, 2017
This goes on for tweet after tweet until the entire Declaration of Independence has been shared, which is something that NPR has been doing, in one form or another, for the last 29 years.and to assume among the powers of the earth,— NPR (@NPR) July 4, 2017
But those 29 years were before there was a Donald Trump in the White House.
When his supporters saw what NPR was doing they were outraged.
When you're triggered by the Declaration of Independence bc you want so badly to submit to King Donald the Doll-Handed....— Alexandra 🦅 (@AlexandraAimee) July 4, 2017
there's nothing more american than getting pissed because you think the declaration of independence is shitting on the president— Goth Ms. Frizzle (@spookperson) July 4, 2017
NPR tweeted out the entire Declaration of Independence, and wow... uh... the responses are... something.— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) July 5, 2017
In the voice of Jeff Foxworthy:The responses to @NPR tweeting the Declaration of Independence are sort of hilarious and sad all at once 👀💯💙❤️💙❤️— Savannah Grimm (@savvygrimm) July 5, 2017
"If'n you think that the tweeting of the Declaration of Independence is propaganda aimed at removing your president from office, well then you might be a moronic Trump supporter."
Keep in mind folks these idiots are actually allowed to vote.