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Tuesday, 26 January 2016

The eighteen year old Ted Cruz was even creepier and more megalomaniac than today's version.

Courtesy of Politico:  

Off camera, the teenager identified as an 18-year old Cruz is asked about his life’s aspirations. 

“Aspirations? Is that like sweat on my butt?” a sardonic Cruz says at the start of the 30-second clip, wearing jeans and a tucked in shirt. "No no, oh I see, what you want me to do, what I want to do in life." 

Cruz squints his eyes tilts his head to the sky. "Well my aspiration is to, uh, oh I don’t know, be in a teen tit film like that guy who played Horatio. You know he was in Malibu Bikini Beach Shop,” he says. The reference appears to be to a 1986 movie, The Malibu Bikini Shop, which came out two years before the video was filmed. 

"Well, other than that,” Cruz continued, "take over the world, world domination, you know, rule everything. Rich, powerful, that sort of stuff.” 

Apparently that video was provided by a high school friend of Cruz's who wishes to remain anonymous.

Personally I don't see a lot of difference between the arrogant prick in this video and the one we see today.

Except I would imagine that today's Ted Cruz would not allow himself to be filmed suggesting that he wanted to be in a "tit film."

Though I bet he still does.


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