Courtesy of Brancy's blog:
I’m sure many of you saw Tina Fey, who sounds nothing like my mom, do a skit based on my Mom’s endorsement of Donald Trump.
I don’t know about you, but hearing her fake accent is like nails on a chalkboard for me!
You know you can decide for yourself whether or not Fey sounds like Palin by watching the Vine embedded below.
Oh yeah, they sound NOTHING alike. You know, except exactly.
Well at least she's right about that nails on a chalkboard thing.
Wait you're going to love this part:
I may be biased, but I think my mom trumps her in the looks department. (Especially for having three more kids and seven more years on Tina!)
Is anybody else visualizing the e-mail exchange that instigated THAT defensive remark?
But of course Nancy/Sarah/Bristol is not done yet:
Saturday Night Live and Fey have been clinging to this impersonation a little too long. It’s getting pathetic. Its been 7 years! Are they desperate for content? Or just desperate for viewers?
French then mocks the fact that SNL does not have a fancy PAC to help them buy super expensive porcupine wear, and had to make Fey's version in their costume department.
There's a "who wore it better poll" offered as well for click bait, but seriously is that even a contest?
In the other news it looks like Bristol is returning to that fake job of hers and abandoning yet another child to a nanny, or poorly qualified sibling to watch.
Oddly enough the People magazine article that featured this photo also said the following:On Dec. 23, Palin welcomed daughter Sailor Grace, whose father is former fiancé Dakota Meyer.
Uh, isn't that sort of an unsettled matter thus far? Or does People magazine know something we don't know?
I’m sure many of you saw Tina Fey, who sounds nothing like my mom, do a skit based on my Mom’s endorsement of Donald Trump.
I don’t know about you, but hearing her fake accent is like nails on a chalkboard for me!
You know you can decide for yourself whether or not Fey sounds like Palin by watching the Vine embedded below.
Oh yeah, they sound NOTHING alike. You know, except exactly.
Well at least she's right about that nails on a chalkboard thing.
Wait you're going to love this part:
I may be biased, but I think my mom trumps her in the looks department. (Especially for having three more kids and seven more years on Tina!)
Is anybody else visualizing the e-mail exchange that instigated THAT defensive remark?
But of course Nancy/Sarah/Bristol is not done yet:
Saturday Night Live and Fey have been clinging to this impersonation a little too long. It’s getting pathetic. Its been 7 years! Are they desperate for content? Or just desperate for viewers?
French then mocks the fact that SNL does not have a fancy PAC to help them buy super expensive porcupine wear, and had to make Fey's version in their costume department.
There's a "who wore it better poll" offered as well for click bait, but seriously is that even a contest?
In the other news it looks like Bristol is returning to that fake job of hers and abandoning yet another child to a nanny, or poorly qualified sibling to watch.
Oddly enough the People magazine article that featured this photo also said the following:On Dec. 23, Palin welcomed daughter Sailor Grace, whose father is former fiancé Dakota Meyer.
Uh, isn't that sort of an unsettled matter thus far? Or does People magazine know something we don't know?