After this appeared on the Indiana Republican's Facebook page the responses started pouring in:
I actually went quite a way through the comments looking for some that support the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.
I'm sure they must be there someplace but I certainly did not see them.
You would think this might convince the Republicans that touching Obamacare is a bad move.
But if they realized that would they really be Republicans?
- My children with significant health issues were able to obtain coverage regardless of their pre-existing conditions. Oh, the horror.
- I have several pre-existing conditions and was stranded in a job I hated because it provided good insurance. The ACA gave me the freedom to quit that job and try to do something with my days that made me much happier without worrying that I would lose.
- My kids had health insurance until they were 26. Two of them had a hard time finding jobs that offered benefits, and since they could stay on my plan, they were able to take some jobs that did not offer insurance. This gave them experience for other, better jobs. Thanks ObamaCare!
- Nothing changed for us and we kept our doctors.
- Our good friend in his early 40's was diagnosed with kidney failure and thanks to the ACA was able to have transplant surgery and is living life again instead of stuck at home on dialysis multiple times a day.
- Let's see ... had not had health coverage since getting cancer while on COBRA back in 1997, and finally got coverage again from ObamaRomneyHeritageCare in 2014. OH THE HORROR IN HAVING HEALTH COVERAGE!
- The Horror story is that the IGNORANT TRUMPsters want to take away health care from people who are basically happy with it. Why can't we have the health care that these corrupt politicians have while we work harder than they do to pay for their healthcare.
- My niece Karla had seizures, all her life. Obamacare let her be on her parents insurance until 26. The Dr. gave her a needed operation and paid for her child. That she would not have been able to have or live through. Thanks Obamacare for her and baby Zozie.
- Wow. I came to this page to find out what Republicans voters in Indiana are finding about problems with Obama care. I couldn't find a single post unfavorable to Obamacare. What do the Republicans who want to repeal the ACA think about this? Are there any among those who vote Republican?
I actually went quite a way through the comments looking for some that support the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.
I'm sure they must be there someplace but I certainly did not see them.
You would think this might convince the Republicans that touching Obamacare is a bad move.
But if they realized that would they really be Republicans?