Here is the Senator's complete press release:
“I’m growing increasingly concerned that the president will attempt to fire not only Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating possible obstruction of justice, but also Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein who appointed Mueller.
“The message the president is sending through his tweets is that he believes the rule of law doesn’t apply to him and that anyone who thinks otherwise will be fired. That’s undemocratic on its face and a blatant violation of the president’s oath of office.
“First of all, the president has no authority to fire Robert Mueller. That authority clearly lies with the attorney general—or in this case, because the attorney general has recused himself, with the deputy attorney general. Rosenstein testified under oath this week that he would not fire Mueller without good cause and that none exists.
“And second, if the president thinks he can fire Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein and replace him with someone who will shut down the investigation, he’s in for a rude awakening. Even his staunchest supporters will balk at such a blatant effort to subvert the law.
“It’s becoming clear to me that the president has embarked on an effort to undermine anyone with the ability to bring any misdeeds to light, be that Congress, the media or the Justice Department. The Senate should not let that happen. We’re a nation of laws that apply equally to everyone, a lesson the president would be wise to learn.”
In other words, "Don't try any of your bullshit shenanigans because we are watching everything you do and there is no place for you to run."
As CNN reports Feinstein is on both the Senate intelligence and Judiciary Committees so there is likely NOTHING about those investigations of which she is not fully aware.
And if she drops an ultimatum like this she has the means to back it up.
In other news Robert Mueller is hiring his own platoon of lawyers.
Courtesy of TPM:
Special counsel Robert Mueller has hired 13 lawyers for his probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 investigation and plans on hiring “several more,” a spokesman for Mueller told Talking Points Memo on Friday.
“In addition to Mr. Mueller, we have 13 attorneys on board, with several more in the pipeline,” Mueller’s spokesman, Peter Carr, told TPM in an email. “The number of people will be determined by the needs of the investigation.”
Man I would love to be a fly on the wall inside that White House right now.
It must be similar to a mental hospital which has depleted its supply of anti-psychotic medications.
I just imagine a building filled with people overcome with paranoia and starting to see things out of the corner of their eyes creeping ever closer to them.
I await the days when through the windows we see furniture stacked up against all of the exits, while Donald Trump, with his long red tie wrapped firmly around his forehead, screams out to the gathering mob that "Dammit this is a witch hunt, why won't anybody understand that?"
“I’m growing increasingly concerned that the president will attempt to fire not only Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating possible obstruction of justice, but also Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein who appointed Mueller.
“The message the president is sending through his tweets is that he believes the rule of law doesn’t apply to him and that anyone who thinks otherwise will be fired. That’s undemocratic on its face and a blatant violation of the president’s oath of office.
“First of all, the president has no authority to fire Robert Mueller. That authority clearly lies with the attorney general—or in this case, because the attorney general has recused himself, with the deputy attorney general. Rosenstein testified under oath this week that he would not fire Mueller without good cause and that none exists.
“And second, if the president thinks he can fire Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein and replace him with someone who will shut down the investigation, he’s in for a rude awakening. Even his staunchest supporters will balk at such a blatant effort to subvert the law.
“It’s becoming clear to me that the president has embarked on an effort to undermine anyone with the ability to bring any misdeeds to light, be that Congress, the media or the Justice Department. The Senate should not let that happen. We’re a nation of laws that apply equally to everyone, a lesson the president would be wise to learn.”
In other words, "Don't try any of your bullshit shenanigans because we are watching everything you do and there is no place for you to run."
As CNN reports Feinstein is on both the Senate intelligence and Judiciary Committees so there is likely NOTHING about those investigations of which she is not fully aware.
And if she drops an ultimatum like this she has the means to back it up.
In other news Robert Mueller is hiring his own platoon of lawyers.
Courtesy of TPM:
Special counsel Robert Mueller has hired 13 lawyers for his probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 investigation and plans on hiring “several more,” a spokesman for Mueller told Talking Points Memo on Friday.
“In addition to Mr. Mueller, we have 13 attorneys on board, with several more in the pipeline,” Mueller’s spokesman, Peter Carr, told TPM in an email. “The number of people will be determined by the needs of the investigation.”
Man I would love to be a fly on the wall inside that White House right now.
It must be similar to a mental hospital which has depleted its supply of anti-psychotic medications.
I just imagine a building filled with people overcome with paranoia and starting to see things out of the corner of their eyes creeping ever closer to them.
I await the days when through the windows we see furniture stacked up against all of the exits, while Donald Trump, with his long red tie wrapped firmly around his forehead, screams out to the gathering mob that "Dammit this is a witch hunt, why won't anybody understand that?"