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Thursday, 28 January 2016

Sarah Palin goes all in, fright wig and all, in defending Donald Trump's decision to skip tonight's Fox News debate.

Courtesy of the Trump polisher supreme's Facebook page 

Media: Here, Let Me Define For You a Genuine "Game Changer"  

(Hang on kids, Sarah Palin's gonna learn us about jermanism. Or something like that.)

Regarding Donald Trump honoring our U.S. Veterans instead of playing tonight's much ballyhooed media debate game: of course Trump owns the issue. And he'll own tonight. ("He'll own tonight?" Wait, so Donald Trump is Batman now?)

Any "journalist" or media outlet perched upon a pedestal all spun up for ratings' sake, pretending to be King Maker in a Presidential election, obviously can't understand how passé and laughable an elitist attitude is to Americans. (Yeah nothing "elitist" about a billionaire that names everything after himself.) Trump just spoke for the majority of us who are through with a prejudice press and a political hierarchy expecting us to hit our knees at their command. (Sexual innuendo alert! I will be peppering these throughout the post for your edification.) Enough is enough; Trump's victory on this issue proves we have a choice. The courageous GOP frontrunner is speaking for us with his "screw it (Sexual innuendo alert two.), biased media... the people deserve better" red line. Finally. Trump will now lead others with this empowerment to go around media filters and egos and everything else that's stood between people with a heart to serve and the voters. This is a genuine game changer, and media assumptions of all stripes can never be the same. Candidates speaking directly with us is what we've craved, as opposed to the mocking heads' narratives crafted behind cameras, teleprompters, and an airbrushed "flawlessness" that's more transparent than they've realized. (Yeah if Sarah Palin hates nothing else, she hates "flawlessness.") It's been a sad herd mentality and a lot of laziness on the part of many mediums that result in a targeted person's trashed record and reputation. (Okay WHO are we talking about here?) That's changing; that's why they're coming unglued. Trump's entire candidacy exposes government and media establishments' politics of destruction, and his efforts allow us to connect more dots, which has rocked their insular world. Light shining on all this is good! We're on our way to a great awakening that will make America great again, by the grace of God! 

(Anybody else getting a strong Evangelical tent revival image from that last part?)

Of course choosing a patriotic military event over yet one more orchestrated debate is a winning, rogue move on Trump's part. He gets to continue answering voters' questions directly; he's holding accountable a bulwark of democracy - our free press - all while assisting and celebrating America's finest who paid the price defending that freedom. 

(But not your precious "only had to serve two years far from the front lines" son, right Sarah?) 

Silly politicians calling Trump "chicken" for choosing a U.S. Veterans fundraiser don't want you to know that all the complainers tonight - the ENTIRE field under the RNC - skipped out on NBC hosting next month's debate in Houston, citing unfair treatment by CNBC moderators. The Republican machine refused participation until host changes were made, and then it was applause all around for making that call. (Wasn't it Trump who bullied the RNC into making those demands in the first place?) Hypocrisy, much, boys? Like Ronald Reagan deftly (and unapologetically) skipping his last Iowa debate, Rush Limbaugh explains why it's stupid to hand bullets to a firing squad ready to do its thing: 

(Here Palin links to something that oozed out of Limbaugh's cigar tobacco infused maw, and since I respect you all far more than she respects HER audience I will protect your brain cells by not linking to it here on IM.)

Feel free at last, electorate! We can go elsewhere to seek truthful information that includes a candidate's voting record, their responsibility in spending other people's money (Is she REALLY dinging somebody else for spending other people's money? Oh great my irony meter just snapped off again.) and balancing budgets, their record of negotiating to win, their private sector acumen and personal accomplishments, who they're beholden to, if they've incentivized more illegal aliens to flood our borders with gifts and freebies - making America much less secure... oh, and so much more! Like, if politics is their profession in perpetuity, which is the antithesis of our Founders' vision. (Says the woman who quit halfway through her first term.) Really, it's our responsibility as freedom-keepers to do our own homework on candidates asking us to hire them. Be confident you are so much better than what you're fed via much of the media, especially during election season. With today's research technology, trustworthy citizen journalists can help provide accurate information. (Well I'm doing my part. And thanks for the unexpected shout out.) So can those of us who studied journalism and earned our college degrees in the field, or - no doubt more importantly - those from the school of hard knocks with OJT career creds who learned the sacredness of "Who, What, Where, When, and Why" press rules and ethos. (Speaking of that journalism degree, can you show that to us sometime?) 

Today's professional "journalists" have underestimated the wisdom of the people. They've wrongly assumed this as a sheep-like population, gullible and easily kept in line by a media scepter (Sexual innuendo tres.), never finding an independent candidate strong enough to break the chains of status quo. But that candidate stepped forth and the movement is underway. (Oh yeah, definitely a tent revival vibe.) With an undeniable, unmatched record of success, Trump proves his work ethic and skills far surpass politicians' constant yakking about their self-recognized "leadership" that gets us nowhere. Much more powerful are a person's accomplishments than are these tired poll-tested memorized memes that conventional candidates pay consultants to draft for them. ("Memorized memes that conventional candidates pay consultants to draft for them." I swear she is just lobbing these softballs to me now.) America will be made great again when the permanent political and media class is sent that message. It starts in Iowa. 

- Sarah Palin (Wait, wait, she's not finished.)

(P.S. Is it just me, or if a debate host has made himself or herself the principal in a story they're expected to objectively cover for the edification of the public, and they even acknowledge they're the reason the frontrunner chooses not to participate, then isn't it common sense (and courtesy to the voting public) to simply, humbly allow someone else to moderate the debate? (Oh, you just KNOW she's been waiting for the opportunity to cut loose on Megyn Kelly and Fox News!) With all due respect, what a strange game at play. It's at the expense of straight-shooting candidates gunning in competition for the nation's top administrative position, and more importantly, at the expense of Americans who deserve to hear them instead of the cries from a pity-partying press with noses out of joint because someone finally took a stand for common sense and an even playing field.

Okay now I'm thinking that Trump has offered to employ ALL of Palin's out of control children or something in order to earn her patented Palin pissing and moaning on his behalf.

Because Palin really out did herself/ghostwriter today.

This thing reads like a crayon scribbled rant from a person getting ready to open fire from a clock tower somewhere.

So in Palin-land, skipping a debate due to fear of the female moderator is some how courageous, and praise worthy?

Well what can you expect from a person who taught her son to so disrespect women that he punched one in the face, and then kicked her in the side when she hit the ground?

All I have to say about this post is that it sure is an awful lot of work for something that will largely go unnoticed by the media, and will only earn her more disdain from her former supporters.

Good job.

P.S. By the way the SarahPAC year end report is out.

I will do a little more in depth look later, but the highlights are that the PAC started with $565,830.22 in July.

They took in another $457,469.52 during the six month period.

However they spent a whopping $642,326.57, leaving them with $380,963.17 in the end.

Which means that Palin managed to spend just about $185,000 more than she took in.

Gosh I wonder how much SarahPAC money she wasted on this screed?


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