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Thursday, 28 January 2016

Are you ready for tonight's Trump-less GOP debate?

"Go ahead try to have a debate without me."
So here we go again with yet another Republican debate.

This time however there is a little change as Donald Trump will be hiding at a Wounded Warriors "fundraiser" so that the vicious Megyn Kelly cannot hurt his widdle feelings with those hard questions.

So instead of listening to the Donald throw schoolyard insults at his opponents on stage, we get to hear from the actually "serious" candidates as to how they plan to screw up America if they are the one to get the nomination.

Personally I can hardly wait to turn the channel about halfway through, which is about as long as I can typically hold out without drinking myself into a coma, and rendering myself unable to work the remote.

However until then I will be tweeting my thoughts here, and of course adding to this post as events warrant.

I am not at all sure what we will be seeing tonight, but it will be interesting to see the ratings for this compared to the ratings that the other cable news outlets, which might cover Trump's "fundraiser," will receive.  (A fundraiser by the way that may be raising money that nobody wants.)

Actually the only thing that I will miss about having Trump at the debate is that I will not get to hear him mocking these boots.

If the ratings are low enough you can bet that Fox News will go hat in hand begging for Trump to participate in future debates, and he will essentially be in the driver's seat all the way until November.


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