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Friday, 29 January 2016

Let's take a deeper look into this most recent SarahPAC disclosure shall we?

The big numbers as I mentioned yesterday is that SarahPAC started the reporting period with $565,830.22 cash on hand.

During the six months they brought in an additional $457,469.52.

Spent $642,326.57.

And ended up with $380,963.17.

Which of course means that Palin spent $180,859.05 MORE than they brought in.

And that means that the PAC is, for all intents and purposes, on its last legs.

Now let's take a deeper dive and see what we might see.

Under Consulting we have money going to various places such as Grey Strategies, Northstar Strategies, and others including Timothy Crawford the guy who runs SarahPAC for Palin.

Crawford walked away with $77,000.

Pamela Pryor received a paltry $6,000 for her "consulting" work.

However Palin spent an additional $154,125.00

For a whopping $255,125.00 in consulting fees.


The next largest expenditure comes under Postage.

Which adds up to $74,004.00 in total.

However there were also around $116,272 billed as "Direct Mail."

So if you add those two together it comes to about $190,276 give or take a few pennies.

Aries Petra, RAM's LLCm received $18,000 for, get this, speech-writing. (That is of course before she left for the greener pastures of Breitbart.)

Remaining in the Palin fold are two old favorites Marilyn Lane and Carol Ryan.

Each receiving $15,000 apiece of their "clerical" work. 

Now get this, the PAC also spent a whopping $43,869. give or take a few pennies, on fundraising. (Gee, do you think if she spent more she would have more to spend?)

Palin's attorney Tiemessen received around 5.528 for legal services.

Passcode Creations got $29,683.14 for some kind of video production.

Palin's photographer Shaelah Craighead received only $1,500 for her hard work.

And Palin apparently spent $3,833.33 on some bears that she handed out to donors.

And that my friends is the state of Palin's rapidly failing slush fund as of January 1st, 2016.

(You can check the numbers yourself by clicking here.)


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