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Sunday, 11 June 2017

Richard Engel knew exactly what was going to happen even before Donald Trump "won" the election.

Damn that is almost spooky how spot on all of his predictions turned out to be.
  • Catastrophic for the United States. Check.
  • Catastrophic for our position in the world. Check.
  • Emboldens our enemies and adversaries. Check.
  • Allies terrified we will not be their allies anymore. Check. 
  • Trump provokes constitutional crisis. Almost a check.
  • Attempts to impeach Trump. Also moving toward a check.
  • No longer leading the world. Double check. 
I think in many ways, due to his experience with other governments and dictators around the world, Richard Engel could not help but see this coming.

Actually there were a lot of us who saw this coming, but perhaps not with quite the same clarity that Engel was able to summon on election night.

The sad part is that there are millions who even STILL cannot see what Richard Engel saw so clearly on November 8th.


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