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Friday, 5 February 2016

Jeb Bush brings his mommy onto the campaign trail with him, and then jokes that she was an abusive parent. Yeah that should help.

Courtesy of Mediaite:

Jeb Bush brought his mother Barbara Bush to a campaign rally in New Hampshire tonight and made things just a teensy bit awkward. 

Bush said he’s heard from plenty of people about how much they love his mother, before saying, “She’s not as great as everybody thinks she is. I can tell you that one.” 

“I jokingly say,” he quipped, “that when we were growing up in Midland and Houston that mom was fortunate not to have a child abuse hotline available, because the discipline of learning right and wrong was her doing.”

"Hey everybody here's my mom, but she's not really that great, and she used to beat the shit out of me when I was a kid. Hey vote for me!"

But don't worry about how awkward that was, because his Right to Rise SuperPAC completely outdid it by having his brother, you know the guy who trashed the economy and started two unnecessary wars that cost thousands of American lives, make a commercial for him.

See now you completely forgot about the fact that Barbara Bush used to physically abuse her children, because now you are in shock that anybody would think that having George W. Bush make a commercial for his brother was a good idea.

What's on the agenda for tomorrow? Will one of Jeb's kids talk about how their father's parenting forced them into a life of drug addiction?

Because you know that's a thing too.


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