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Friday, 5 February 2016

People magazine flatly states out loud that Bristol Palin's newest child was born in November.

So People magazine has up a rather innocuous article about some new photos that Bristol posted to Instagram featuring Tripp holding Sailor Grace.

It's all mostly fluff of course, until you get to this portion:

Palin welcomed the newest addition to her family in November, announcing the news in a sweet Instagram snap of herself and her bundle of joy. 

Wait, November? 

Well that is certainly not in line with the official Palin family version of events, now is it?

Of course we have long argued that the baby was born on November 4th, but the official, Palin family approved, version states that Sailor Grace was born on December 23, 2015.

So did People magazine make a boo boo? Or do they know something that we are not supposed to know?


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