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Sunday, 11 June 2017

Trump takes to Twitter to call James Comey a "coward."

Once again Comey did not "leak."

He simply gave his friend access to memos, containing no classified information, that he himself wrote down about his own interactions with Donald Trump, AFTER he was no longer an employee of the government.

In response to all of this the Senate is considering the idea of issuing subpoenas for the rest of Comey's notes about meetings with Trump.

I think that is a great idea since we know that once the Senate has them they will be immediately leaked to the public, and this time Trump will not be able to blame Comey.

By the way it is being reported that Trump's son, Don Jr., seems to have at least partially confirmed some of Comey's testimony: 

During an interview with Fox News, Donald Trump Jr expressed disbelief that Mr Comey felt “threatened” by his conversation with the President before he was fired. 

“When he tells you to do something, guess what? There's no ambiguity in it, there's no, 'Hey, I'm hoping,'“ 39-year-0ld Mr Trump said. 

“You and I are friends: 'Hey, I hope this happens, but you've got to do your job.' That's what he told Comey. 

“And for this guy [Comey] as a politician to then go back and write a memo: 'Oh, I felt threatened.' He felt so threatened — but he [President Trump] didn't do anything.” 

Well he fired him so that seems like something that Trump did.

And since according to Don Jr. this conversation DID take place, just like Comey said it did, and then Comey was fired fairly soon after to, as Trump told his Russian pals, "relieve great pressure" from the Russia probe, I think the case for obstructionism is all but made right there.

By the way Comey was not the only target of Trump's Twitter outrage this morning.
Yes, THEY'RE the obstructionists.


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