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Wednesday, 31 May 2017

That time Jared Kushner assured a coworker that Trump did not beleive that birther nonsense but that "Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it."

He doesn't really believe this, he doesn't really believe this, he doesn't really believe this.
Courtesy of The Independent:

During Mr Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign and throughout his presidency, multiple theories emerged falsely claiming he was not a natural-born American US citizen and it was therefore unconstitutional for him to become US President. Mr Trump was among those who pushed the “birther” conspiracy theory and consistently questioned former President Obama’s birthplace of Hawaii. 

The former New York Observer editor has now claimed that Mr Kushner, the former publisher of the paper, informed her that Mr Trump did not believe the “birther” lies he was peddling. 

“When I was the editor of the New York Observer, Kushner and I were going back and forth about how the paper should cover him,” Elizabeth Spiers wrote in a post on Twitter. 

“I told Jared that I was particularly appalled by his father-in-law’s birtherism stance, which I viewed as cynical and racist. 

“He rolled his eyes and said ‘He doesn’t really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it’”.

Gee no wonder Fox News viewers flocked to Donald Trump, he disrespected them and manipulated them just like Roger Ailes did.

This is why I will no longer say that Americans are too smart to be fooled.

The truth is that a very large segment of the population is almost too stupid to stand upright.


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