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Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Donald Trump rushes to defend Carter Page who claims that he can prove James Comey and John Brennan lied under oath.

Courtesy of Salon: 

Citing a letter Page wrote to the House Intelligence Committee on Monday, Trump announced to the country that Page could prove that former FBI Director James Comey and former CIA Director John Brennan had lied under oath.

Trump also tweeted that Democrats in Congress were actively trying to stall Page’s testimony. His claim appears to be based on a “Fox and Friends” segment. Minutes before Trump’s tweet, “Fox and Friends” reported on the letter in which Page seemed to suggest, without basis, that members of the intelligence committee were preventing his testimony. 

“I have learned from your Committee staff on this Memorial Day holiday that I might not be immediately afforded the opportunity to address the false or misleading testimony by James Comey, John Brennan, et al, as per our previously scheduled appointment for next week,” Page wrote in the letter, obtained by Business Insider. “In the interest of finally providing the American people with some accurate information at long last, I hope that we can proceed with this straight dialogue soon.” 

The president appears mighty confident that Page is being truthful when he says that he has “accurate information” that could exonerate him.

Which based on page's past performances is risky to say the least.

I would assume that Trump is betting that the intelligence agencies will be unwilling to produce the classified information it would take to refute Page's testimony, but I cannot believe that he has not considered what a shit show it would be for his side to have Page cross examined by the Democrats in Congress.

And this comes after Sean Spicer tried to cover for Trump by saying that Page “is an individual who the president-elect does not know and was put on notice months ago by the campaign.”

Well it certainly sounds like he knows him now.

And he better have a damn good story to tell since apparently James Comey is ready to testify again as well.

Courtesy of CNN:

Fired FBI director James Comey plans to testify publicly in the Senate as early as next week to confirm bombshell accusations that President Donald Trump pressured him to end his investigation into a top Trump aide's ties to Russia, a source close to the issue said Wednesday. 

Damn, shit just got real. 

Personally I am all for Carter Page testifying, hell he could not even keep it together while being questioned by MSNBC's Chris Hayes, I can only imagine how fucked he will be once the Intelligence Committee sinks their teeth into him.


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