If you did not get through that entire fourteen plus minutes I don;t blame you, I did not make it through last night myself.
Thankfully TPM offers the low points:
“I have to start tonight on a personal note of something that happened last week. Now, I was asked by the family of the DNC staffer that was killed in July to pull back covering the story of the death because their son and their family was hurting,” he said on his show. “Now out of respect for the family’s wishes, well, I decided for the time being not to discuss it unless there were further developments.”
“But I also promised you, my audience, my loyal audience, that I will not stop investigating. I will not stop asking questions,” he continued. “And at a very high level, the bottom line here is the family wants the truth and I think the country deserves the truth, because this impacts so much of what the narrative in this country is now about, which is the left and their conspiracy theory. Now I can report, I am making progress. We will have a lot more coming probably sooner than later.”
First off before his "vacation" Hannity was on the Seth Rich story like white on....on...well on the average Fox News viewer.
So for him to suddenly start considering the feelings of the family, sounds more like he received an ultimatum and caved in order to keep his show.
Secondly Hannity, and his supporters, have come up with an interesting response to those calls for this advertisers to abandon his program.
He is joining with a group called #StoptheScalpings, formed by two Right Wing talk radio hosts Melanie Morgan and Brian Maloney, in calling for a similar attempt directed at Rachel Maddow.
Courtesy of Think Progress:
Stop the Scalpings is targeting Maddow because she “has been the biggest purveyor of lies and propaganda in the media today,” Morgan writes. She goes on to allude to Maddow’s regular coverage of the Trump campaign’s shady dealings with Russia, which she dismisses as a conspiracy theory despite an active FBI investigation and the appointment of a special prosecutor.
“We will continue to announce the advertisers that finance these efforts and support these hosts who allow lies and conspiracy theories to permeate the airwaves,” she continues. “If Media Matters ceases these type of assaults, we will do the same… Until then, we will list every advertiser that supports hosts like Rachel Maddow, an outright liar, and someone who deceives the public and defames conservatives on a daily basis.”
In other words these idiots are now attacking actual journalism, in an attempt to protect their right to broadcast fake news and conservative disinformation.
Source http://ift.tt/2qGUXpm
Thankfully TPM offers the low points:
“I have to start tonight on a personal note of something that happened last week. Now, I was asked by the family of the DNC staffer that was killed in July to pull back covering the story of the death because their son and their family was hurting,” he said on his show. “Now out of respect for the family’s wishes, well, I decided for the time being not to discuss it unless there were further developments.”
“But I also promised you, my audience, my loyal audience, that I will not stop investigating. I will not stop asking questions,” he continued. “And at a very high level, the bottom line here is the family wants the truth and I think the country deserves the truth, because this impacts so much of what the narrative in this country is now about, which is the left and their conspiracy theory. Now I can report, I am making progress. We will have a lot more coming probably sooner than later.”
First off before his "vacation" Hannity was on the Seth Rich story like white on....on...well on the average Fox News viewer.
So for him to suddenly start considering the feelings of the family, sounds more like he received an ultimatum and caved in order to keep his show.
Secondly Hannity, and his supporters, have come up with an interesting response to those calls for this advertisers to abandon his program.
He is joining with a group called #StoptheScalpings, formed by two Right Wing talk radio hosts Melanie Morgan and Brian Maloney, in calling for a similar attempt directed at Rachel Maddow.
Courtesy of Think Progress:
Stop the Scalpings is targeting Maddow because she “has been the biggest purveyor of lies and propaganda in the media today,” Morgan writes. She goes on to allude to Maddow’s regular coverage of the Trump campaign’s shady dealings with Russia, which she dismisses as a conspiracy theory despite an active FBI investigation and the appointment of a special prosecutor.
“We will continue to announce the advertisers that finance these efforts and support these hosts who allow lies and conspiracy theories to permeate the airwaves,” she continues. “If Media Matters ceases these type of assaults, we will do the same… Until then, we will list every advertiser that supports hosts like Rachel Maddow, an outright liar, and someone who deceives the public and defames conservatives on a daily basis.”
In other words these idiots are now attacking actual journalism, in an attempt to protect their right to broadcast fake news and conservative disinformation.
Source http://ift.tt/2qGUXpm