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Tuesday, 23 January 2018

CNN threw together a supercut containing a number of Donald Trump's flubs during his first year as president.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

CNN on Monday put together a hilarious supercut of Trump’s biggest first-year flubs, and it includes numerous botched handshakes, nonsensical tweets, and misadventures with water cups. 

CNN’s Jeanne Moos, who narrated the video, took particular delight in playing clips of Trump sniffling excessively and of Trump getting his hand swatted away by wife Melania Trump. 

“You’ve got to hand it to President Trump,” she said shortly before showing a montage of failed Trump handshakes. “When it comes to flubs, he’s got his hands full.”


And what is even more unbelievable is that there are so many more.

It seems as if Trump does something to embarrass the country almost every single day.


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