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Sunday, 7 May 2017

Islamic State magazine instructs potential terrorists to simply visit gun shows in America for all of their death dealing needs.

Courtesy of the Washington Post: 

In August, a former Islamic State recruit caused a stir when he described how the terrorist organization sought to exploit America’s lax gun laws. 

“They say the Americans are dumb — they have open gun policies” the recruit told the New York Times from a German prison. “They say we can radicalize them easily, and if they have no prior record, they can buy guns, so we don’t need to have a contact man who has to provide guns for them.”

Yep, our 2nd Amendment makes access to guns both easy and affordable.

You know, for freedom.

In the most recent issue of Rumiyah, its glossy multilingual propaganda magazine, the Islamic State encouraged recruits in the United States to take advantage of laws that allow people to buy firearms without having to present identification or submit to background checks. 

Recruits should seek out gun shows and online sales in particular, said the write-up in the magazine, which was released Thursday. 

“The acquisition of firearms can be very simple depending on one’s geographical location,” the piece read. “In most U.S. states, anything from a single-shot shotgun all the way up to a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle can be purchased at showrooms or through online sales — by way of private dealers — with no background checks, and without requiring either an ID or a gun license.” 

“With approximately 5,000 gun shows taking place annually within the United States,” it added, “the acquisition of firearms becomes a very easy matter.”

Using our own insecurities about the possibility of attack, to buy the very weapons they would need to launch that attack. 

Ironic, don't you think?

And the sad thing is with Trump in the White House, and the Republicans in charge of virtually everything, the gun laws will only get looser and access to firearms only that much easier.

So what do you think the NRA would say in response to this?

Well if you said that more Americans should arm themselves in order to be prepared for a terrorist attack, give yourself a gold star.


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