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Monday, 8 August 2016

Marco Rubio does not care if the Zika virus might give your baby birth defects, no abortions. You know, cause God.

Courtesy of Politico:

Sen. Marco Rubio said Saturday that he doesn’t believe a pregnant woman infected with the Zika virus should have the right to an abortion — even if she had reason to believe the child would be born with severe microcephaly. 

"I understand a lot of people disagree with my view – but I believe that all human life is worthy of protection of our laws. And when you present it in the context of Zika or any prenatal condition, it’s a difficult question and a hard one," Rubio told POLITICO. 

"But if I’m going to err, I’m going to err on the side of life."

For those who don't know people with microcephaly are often referred to as "pinheads" and they have a whole slew of challenges related to the condition such as developmental delays, hearing loss, vision problems, difficulty feeding, and seizures, to name a few.

That is of course if they survive, which those with a severe form of microcephany often do not.

The costs of caring for a child with these problems can be astronomical and typically parents require support from the state and federal governments. (Programs by the way that Rubio and his party are constantly trying to strip of their funding.)

No woman should be asked to carry a child to term if they are diagnosed with this birth defect, nor should any family be burdened with raising such a child unless they have chosen to do so.

Once again I work in the system and deal with children with similar challenges, and I would say that there are really only a very small population of the people out there who are equipped to deal with the problems and obstacles that present themselves when raising a child with such severe special needs.

Perhaps Marco Rubio and his wife would be willing to adopt few of the children born with mircocephany and he can show everybody how it is done.

But we know that will never happen. Don't we?


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