Courtesy of Alternet:
Right-wing moviemaking has been a growth industry in recent years, as conservative activists set out to challenge what they see as the damaging cultural impact of liberalism’s dominance in Hollywood. The latest example is “Torchbearer,” which director Steve Bannon called “a Christian war film” in remarks before a screening in Cleveland during the Republican National Convention last month.
“Torchbearer” stars Phil Robertson, the Duck Dynasty patriarch who became a folk hero in the right-wing war on “political correctness” when the show was temporarily suspended by A&E amid controversy over Robertson's inflammatory remarks about homosexuality and black people in the pre-civil-rights-movement Louisiana. The movie was shown to distributors in Cannes and will be released in theaters in August.
The hour-long film is a collaboration between well-known right-wing groups. Bannon is executive chairman of Breitbart News; the script was written by a Breitbart editor, Rebecca Mansour. It was produced by Citizens United, the organization whose movie attacking Hillary Clinton was used by conservatives on the Supreme Court to gut regulation of political money in Citizens United the court ruling. Religious Right political operative Ralph Reed attended the premiere, and at a reception following the screening, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., took the opportunity to slam Clinton and praise the work of Citizens United.
The film is only an hour long but it manages to blame Nazi Germany on Nietzsche, mock the teaching of Evolution, use graphic images from Auschwitz and ISIS atrocities to shock and enrage, and of course blame all of the ills of the world on the "worship" of science instead of God.
My first instinct was that surely this must be something from the Onion or some other parody site, but nope it's real.
There is the trailer up above, a website, and everything.
My only surprise is that Sarah Palin does not have a speaking role, nor has she endorsed or spoken of the film on Facebook.
You would thing with so many of her former collaborators working on the film, that she would be pitching it to the few simple minded morons who still value her opinion.
Perhaps this is so unhinged that even SHE gave it a pass?
Nah, who are we kidding, she probably was never even told about the film.
Right-wing moviemaking has been a growth industry in recent years, as conservative activists set out to challenge what they see as the damaging cultural impact of liberalism’s dominance in Hollywood. The latest example is “Torchbearer,” which director Steve Bannon called “a Christian war film” in remarks before a screening in Cleveland during the Republican National Convention last month.
“Torchbearer” stars Phil Robertson, the Duck Dynasty patriarch who became a folk hero in the right-wing war on “political correctness” when the show was temporarily suspended by A&E amid controversy over Robertson's inflammatory remarks about homosexuality and black people in the pre-civil-rights-movement Louisiana. The movie was shown to distributors in Cannes and will be released in theaters in August.
The hour-long film is a collaboration between well-known right-wing groups. Bannon is executive chairman of Breitbart News; the script was written by a Breitbart editor, Rebecca Mansour. It was produced by Citizens United, the organization whose movie attacking Hillary Clinton was used by conservatives on the Supreme Court to gut regulation of political money in Citizens United the court ruling. Religious Right political operative Ralph Reed attended the premiere, and at a reception following the screening, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., took the opportunity to slam Clinton and praise the work of Citizens United.
The film is only an hour long but it manages to blame Nazi Germany on Nietzsche, mock the teaching of Evolution, use graphic images from Auschwitz and ISIS atrocities to shock and enrage, and of course blame all of the ills of the world on the "worship" of science instead of God.
My first instinct was that surely this must be something from the Onion or some other parody site, but nope it's real.
There is the trailer up above, a website, and everything.
My only surprise is that Sarah Palin does not have a speaking role, nor has she endorsed or spoken of the film on Facebook.
You would thing with so many of her former collaborators working on the film, that she would be pitching it to the few simple minded morons who still value her opinion.
Perhaps this is so unhinged that even SHE gave it a pass?
Nah, who are we kidding, she probably was never even told about the film.