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Monday, 8 August 2016

Former CIA officer to launch campaign to challenge Donald Trump for the conservative vote.

Courtesy of ABC News:

Evan McMullin, a former CIA counterterrorism officer, will run for president as a third-party conservative alternative to Donald Trump, GOP operatives working to back the candidate told ABC News today. 

The group, Better for America, a 501(c)(4) organization that cannot officially endorse or back McMillan's bid, has been working for months on trying to select a candidate and get on ballots throughout the country. In some states, like Texas, they will likely have to sue to get on the ballot. 

It's an extreme uphill climb, but they are confident McMullin, 40, can act as a disruptor who they hope can peel off some red states in a race where some Republicans are still resistant to Donald Trump.

McMullin’s candidacy, backed by some Republicans, shows how the “Never Trump” movement is still working to upend Trump even with less than three months left until the general election. McMullin may be a long shot, but will have a legitimate organization behind him.

Apparently this first leaked on Morning Joe today:
Okay look I am all for anything that helps Hillary win the general, and trust me this will, but haven't we already seen this movie?


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