Courtesy of Vox:
The APA has been conducting its Stress in America poll every year since 2007, and the latest one finds that 63 percent of Americans say the future of the country is a very significant source of stress in their lives.
Even more tellingly, 59 percent said this is the “lowest point in our nation’s history that they can remember.” And this sentiment transcended generations: A majority of baby boomers, Gen X-ers, millennials, and adults over the age of 72 felt it.
I am definitely part of this 59%.
Even 911, which rocked me to my core, at least later left me feeling that we could overcome anything.
Right now there is just a feeling of hopelessness and helplessness.
The only thing that brightens my outlook is the knowledge that the Mueller investigation exists and the hoe that it will eventually lead to an end to all this.
The APA has been conducting its Stress in America poll every year since 2007, and the latest one finds that 63 percent of Americans say the future of the country is a very significant source of stress in their lives.
Even more tellingly, 59 percent said this is the “lowest point in our nation’s history that they can remember.” And this sentiment transcended generations: A majority of baby boomers, Gen X-ers, millennials, and adults over the age of 72 felt it.
I am definitely part of this 59%.
Even 911, which rocked me to my core, at least later left me feeling that we could overcome anything.
Right now there is just a feeling of hopelessness and helplessness.
The only thing that brightens my outlook is the knowledge that the Mueller investigation exists and the hoe that it will eventually lead to an end to all this.