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Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Sarah Palin goes after Senator Elizabeth Warren for supposedly stealing "her" line.

Okay so this links to Breitbart which means I should warn you that clicking the link will expose you to all kinds of dangerous toxins which can damage your brain and might either kill you or convince you to support Doanld Trump. I'm not sure which is worse.

So here let me simply post what she screamed into the phone at a Breitbart reporter:

“I don’t know. Coming from liberals who urge women to claim victimization, ‘Fight like a girl’ just doesn’t sound the same as when legit fighters for equality say it, mean it, live it, and will never give it up.”

This of course is in response to this tweet from Warren:
As you may be aware Warren has become a favorite punching bag for conservatives as of late, since with Hillary no longer seeking office they fear her above all others.

I probably should point out that the line "Fight Like a Girl" has been around far longer than 2011 when Breitbart claims that Palin coined the term.

In fact I distinctly remember my own daughter using that phrase after dropping two bullies to the ground who were pushing her in line when she was only about seven years old.

Personally I think it fits Elizabeth Warren far better than Sarah Palin, since she never used push up bras to advance her career or his behind her children to deflect criticism.


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