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Friday, 26 May 2017

According the CBO score instead of inflicting Trumpcare on the American people it might be more humane to simply line the sick up and shoot them.

The above is a chart from Mother Jones.

 And here is a tweet to drive the point home a little more.
800 percent, well that's enough to give you a preexisting condition right there.

In fact the bill is so bad that it literally brought a Republican Congressman to tears:

Courtesy of IJR:  

Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), — who played a pivotal role in including state waiver options in AHCA — hadn't read the full report yet, but initially said he saw it as “good news.” 

When reporters pointed out the portion of the CBO report saying individuals with preexisting conditions in waiver states would be charged higher premiums and could even be priced out of the insurance market — destabilizing markets in those states — under AHCA, Meadows seemed surprised. 

“Well, that’s not what I read,” Meadows said, putting on his reading glasses and peering at the paragraph on the phone of a nearby reporter.


After reading the paragraph, Meadows told reporters he would go through the CBO analysis more thoroughly and run the numbers, adding he would work to make sure the high-risk pools are properly funded. 

Meadows, suddenly emotional, choked back tears and said, "Listen, I lost my sister to breast cancer. I lost my dad to lung cancer. If anybody is sensitive to preexisting conditions, it’s me. I’m not going to make a political decision today that affects somebody’s sister or father because I wouldn’t do it to myself.”

I would predict that this bill is dead in the water.

And it might even die a little faster if some of this idiot Republicans would bother to read the damn thing before signing on. 


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