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Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Now suddenly Jason Chaffetz, Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has just decided not to seek reelection in 2018. Hmmm.

Courtesy of the Washington Post:

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz announced Wednesday he will not run for reelection to his House seat in 2018. 

The Utah Republican said he won’t seek any political office in 2018, stirring speculation that he may run for governor in 2020. Last year, he told the Deseret News he would “take a serious, serious” look at a gubernatorial bid in Utah once his term as chairman of the House’s primary investigative committee had expired.

Okay so MAYBE Chaffetz is looking to throw his hat into the Utah Governor's race, and that is why he has suddenly decided to quit Congress while seemingly at the pinnacle of his power.

But then again  maybe that is NOT the reason.

Now as I mentioned before I am still a little wary of the reporting by Louise Mensch.

However oddly enough she posted this about six days ago.
Yes it could be bullshit, but then again Mensch seems to be on a hot streak right now, so I am loathe to discount it completely.

And you have to admit that would make sense.

Also keep in mind that Chaffetz bragged just in February of this year about his desire to continue investigating Hillary Clinton even though she is now out of politics, so what exactly has changed since then?

Something definitely smells a little fishy here. 


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