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Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Hawaii becomes the first state to have an all Democratic state senate in decades.

Courtesy of McClatchy DC: 

A strong challenge to the only Republican in the Hawaii state Senate has resulted in an all-Democrat legislative body, the first in the nation in decades. 

Democrat Stanley Chang won election to the Hawaii Senate, ousting Republican Sam Slom from the seat he held for 20 years. 

Chang said he was deeply humbled by the outpouring of support from east Honolulu. 

"We knocked on 16,000 doors, wore out three pairs of shoes, got bitten by two dogs, and all because I think the residents of east Honolulu deserve to have an elected official that will take the time to listen and understand their concerns and translate that into concrete action," Chang said. 

Slom was the lone Republican in the chamber until he was defeated Tuesday. 

The last time a party held all the seats in any state Legislature was 1980, according to the National Conference on State Legislatures.

Can you even imagine?

Man I thought I was jealous of people who live in Hawaii before, but now......

But that also means that these Dems better dot their "i's" and cross their 't's" because you know that the whole state is watching them, and the first time they really screw up the Republicans will be back with a vengeance.

And speaking of vengeful Republicans, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard took a meeting with Donald Trump at Trump Towers, so I am not at all sure what part she is going to play in Hawaii's future, or even if she plans on remaining in the Democratic party.

I hear she has big ambitions, and her relationship with the DNC is rocky to say the least.


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