Courtesy of Alternet:
Liberty University President, Jerry Falwell Jr. is under consideration for Secretary of Education. Yes, the president of an Evangelical university, who believes that evolution is a lie, who is president of a university that was founded in opposition to school integration, may be dictating the educational agenda of America's public school children. Falwell Jr. confirmed to the Associated Press on Friday that he had met with Trump at Trump Tower.
Falwell told Virginia's Richmond Times-Dispatch last week that he's let the administration know that "one of my passions is reforming higher education and education in general." When pressed by other outlets, including the Associated Press, whether that role would be as Secretary of Education, Falwell would not, "confirm or deny whether he was being vetted as secretary of education, but says he will 'definitely play a role' in the administration.'
Okay I just had to get that off of my chest before I attempted to respond to this news in anything resembling actual English.
This blog is called "The Immoral Minority" directly because of this guy's father, and I have long been predicting that we are seeing the beginning of the end of the Religious Right in this country.
However if Trump actually puts this anti-intellectual, creationism believing buffoon in office as the man in charge of education in this country, there is no telling the amount of damage that he could do.
Liberty University was founded because Jerry Fallwell Sr. could not stomach the idea of the little white Christian snowflakes having to share dorms, cafeterias, or "gasp" locker rooms with African Americans.
That's right the school is a monument to racism.
The school is notoriously anti-Semitic, anti-LGBTQ, and Fallwell Jr. suggested this last year:
“I’ve always thought that if more good people had concealed-carry permits, then we could end those Muslims before they walked in.”
So yes it is also Anti-Muslim. (You can see why Donald Trump probably likes this POS so much.)
I swear that virtually all of Trump's possible cabinet choices read like a "Who's Who of No Fucking Way." But this one, this one might be the worst so far.
Liberty University President, Jerry Falwell Jr. is under consideration for Secretary of Education. Yes, the president of an Evangelical university, who believes that evolution is a lie, who is president of a university that was founded in opposition to school integration, may be dictating the educational agenda of America's public school children. Falwell Jr. confirmed to the Associated Press on Friday that he had met with Trump at Trump Tower.
Falwell told Virginia's Richmond Times-Dispatch last week that he's let the administration know that "one of my passions is reforming higher education and education in general." When pressed by other outlets, including the Associated Press, whether that role would be as Secretary of Education, Falwell would not, "confirm or deny whether he was being vetted as secretary of education, but says he will 'definitely play a role' in the administration.'
Okay I just had to get that off of my chest before I attempted to respond to this news in anything resembling actual English.
This blog is called "The Immoral Minority" directly because of this guy's father, and I have long been predicting that we are seeing the beginning of the end of the Religious Right in this country.
However if Trump actually puts this anti-intellectual, creationism believing buffoon in office as the man in charge of education in this country, there is no telling the amount of damage that he could do.
Liberty University was founded because Jerry Fallwell Sr. could not stomach the idea of the little white Christian snowflakes having to share dorms, cafeterias, or "gasp" locker rooms with African Americans.
That's right the school is a monument to racism.
The school is notoriously anti-Semitic, anti-LGBTQ, and Fallwell Jr. suggested this last year:
“I’ve always thought that if more good people had concealed-carry permits, then we could end those Muslims before they walked in.”
So yes it is also Anti-Muslim. (You can see why Donald Trump probably likes this POS so much.)
I swear that virtually all of Trump's possible cabinet choices read like a "Who's Who of No Fucking Way." But this one, this one might be the worst so far.