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Friday, 12 August 2016

Teachers are abandoning Kansas by the boatload.

Courtesy of KCUR:  

The number of teachers leaving Kansas or simply quitting the profession has dramatically increased over the last four years. 

The annual Licensed Personnel Report was released Tuesday by the Kansas Department of Education. While it was provided to the Board of Education meeting in Topeka Tuesday, the report was buried in board documents and not addressed by either staff or the board. 

The report shows that 1,075 teachers left the profession last year, up from 669 four years ago. That's a 61 percent increase. 

The number of teachers who left the state doubled in the last four years, from 413 in 2012 school year to 831 in the last school year. 

“When you’re under attack almost continually and called lazy and overpaid and incompetent of course you’re going to leave the first chance you get,” says Mark Desetti, the top lobbyist for the Kansas National Education Association (KNEA). “It’s just shocking to me.”

This literally drives me nuts.

The Republicans may think that undermining education in this country is a good idea in the short run, because you know uneducated people are more likely to vote for them, but in the long run it is damaging our ability to make technological advances, utilize problem solving skills, and compete in a global job market.

Suggesting that children are our most important resource is not just a campaign slogan, it is a fact.


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