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Friday, 12 August 2016

Here are a handful of texts to take our mind off of Donald Trump for awhile.

So I was going through my file of texts that I received a couple of years ago and I stumbled across  few that I thought were kind of interesting.

The first is Gino talking about Bristol's plastic surgery.

Of course DWTS refers to Dancing with the Stars.

I would imagine that it refers to Bristol's second visit in 2012, since that coincides more closely to her relationship with Gino, though of course there were rumors that she was not exactly staying faithful to any one man back then.

And then of course it was not much later that she threw Gino aside for Joey Junker.

(You know Levi Johnston also mentioned Bristol receiving plastic surgery back around the time that Trig was born. Things that make you go "Hmmm.")

Speaking of Joey Junker it appears that Gino thought that he was a possible contender for baby daddy when Bristol first revealed that she was pregnant.

Of course as we know eventually Dakota was snagged as the lucky sperm donor. Even though as the text says she hit the sheets with Junker almost the minute that she arrived back in Wasilla.

You know, so I hear.

Well now those days are all behind her, and she finally has corralled the man or her mother's her dreams.  And don't they look happy?

The question of course is for how long?

I guess only time will tell. But I'm rooting for them.

After all when you read through Dakota's Facebook page it becomes pretty clear that they deserve each other. 


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