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Friday, 27 January 2017

Donald Trump actually pressured the director of the National Park Service to provide photographic evidence that his inaugural was too bigger than Obama's.

Courtesy of the Washington Post:  

On the morning after Donald Trump’s inauguration, acting National Park Service director Michael T. Reynolds received an extraordinary summons: The new president wanted to talk to him. 

In a Saturday phone call, Trump personally ordered Reynolds to produce additional photographs of the previous day’s crowds on the Mall, according to three individuals who have knowledge of the conversation. The president believed that the photos might prove that the media had lied in reporting that attendance had been no better than average. 

Trump also expressed anger over a retweet sent from the agency’s account, in which side-by-side photographs showed far fewer people at his swearing-in than had shown up to see Barack Obama’s inauguration in 2009. 

According to one account, Reynolds had been contacted by the White House and given a phone number to call. When he dialed it, he was told to hold for the president. 

For Trump, who sees himself and his achievements in superlative terms, the inauguration’s crowd size has been a source of grievance that he appears unable to put behind him. It is a measure of his fixation on the issue that he would devote part of his first morning in office to it — and that he would take out his frustrations on an acting Park Service director.

Hey, hey Donnie. We understand.

Some guys simply don't measure up to the other guys.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

You know some people compensate by being nicer people, or more attentive to their loved ones.

And some men compensate by buying huge yachts.

Putting their name on giant phallic shaped objects.

Being ostentatious with their wealth.

And of course arguing that it is bigger than it looks.

By the way it really would not have mattered if this Park Service director HAD sent Trump pictures.

As this time lapse video shows, his inaugural crowds were NEVER as impressive as Obama's in 2009.

Let's face it Donnie, you are just not the man that President Obama was, and still is today.


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