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Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Actor Morgan Freeman challenges Donald Trump to come out and admit that we are under attack by Russia.

Morgan Freeman has played Colonels, Generals, the Director of Intelligence, Presidents, and even God, so I definitely trust his opinion above that of a guy who just played himself a bunch of times in movies and TV.

And of course he is right.

We WERE indeed attacked in 2016, and since that attack actually caused more damage to the fabric of our Democracy than any conventional explosive device or military attack, then yes it is safe to say that it was an act of war.

However we all know that Donald Trump will NEVER declare that to be true, because he does not serve our interests.

He serves the interests of another.

And we need to remind the American people of that every single chance that we get, until even they can no longer deny the truth of it.

P.S. On an interesting side note I found this video over on YouTube, and when I visited it only had two comments, both from men with Russian sounding names, one declaring that Freeman was hired by the "deep state" and the other saying that he was "officially insane."

You cannot make this stuff up folks.


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