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Wednesday, 20 September 2017

So now there's a gay Bible, where Rihanna is the Lord. Seems right.

Courtesy of Pride:  

Just weeks after becoming the Mayor of Hell, Michigan and banning all heterosexuals from entering the town, comedian Elijah Daniel has now rewritten the holy bible for the gays. 

The EDV (Elijah Daniel Version) translation has a few updates from previous editions; Rihanna is God, she made Adam and Steve, not Adam and Eve, and instead of wine, Jesus turns water into mimosas.

Well mimosas have vitamin C, so clearly that is a better choice.
I'm just confused as to when Rihanna became the gay icon.

I knew that Lady Gaga had replaced Madonna and Cher awhile back, but I am totally out of the loop concerning Rihanna's rise as a deity. 

But anything that irritates the snot out of the Fundamentalists works for me.

And clearly this does that.


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